Tap & Demolition Information
Please call 412-366-3420 to inquire.
Tap Connection Fee
MTSA Uniform tap fee, all systems.
$5,900.00 per EDU
MTIS Fee in addition to tap fee
Pine Creek North Fork Watershed, Pine Twp.
$923.00 per acre
FP Tap Fee, in addition to tap fee
Fish Run Watershed, Franklin Park.
$1,833.00 per tap
Sewer Tap Machine
1 Line tap
$300.00 per tap
1 Manhole Tap
$350.00 per tap
4 Taps or more
$250.00 per tap
Lateral Connection Inspection Fee
In addition to tap fee
$60.00 each tap
Lateral Installed w/o inspection
Closed circuit televised inspection by MTSA
$250.00 each lateral
Scheduled tap or inspection
Not ready; nor cancelled
$60.00 each occurrence
Grease Traps
Inspection Fee
Illegal Connection
Penalty, plus any outstanding costs for an illegal connection. The connection must be excavated and shored for proper inspection by MTSA personnel.
$300.00 per day/per occurrence.
Demolition of Abandoned Service Sewers
Application and Inspection
Termination of Sanitary Sewage Service
$50.00 each