High Strength Sewage Concentration Guidelines

High Strength Sewage Concentration Guidelines

Customers who discharge high strength sewage and high strength wastewater to the MTSA System are reviewed under strict guidelines to determine their contribution to the overall system to both the collection system and to the wastewater treatment plants. While these customers are looked at on an individual basis they are usually commercial and/or industrial in nature. The commercial customers are usually: restaurants, hospitals, nursing homes, schools and/or service centers. While the industrial customers would be manufactures, warehouses, fabricators and/or specialty shops, which would include dry cleaners. Listed below are the current guidelines that Authority follows to determine a user’s contribution to the Authority’s system.


  1. Identify commercial or industrial customers contributing flow to sewer shed. 
  2. Send letter requesting information about their facility including garbage disposal, grease trap 

    and/or oil separators.

  3. Perform site visits to facilities to meet with owner/manager to discuss MTSA’s program and its 
    requirements.  Perform visual inspection of facility.
  4. Perform initial sampling and testing of facility at nearest manhole, inspection port or discharge 
    point.  Send eight (8) hour grab/composite sample to lab to check BOD, TSS, PH and FOG.
  5. Notify facility of results:
    1. If all is within limits notify them of compliance.
    2. If there are exceedences notify them of that and offer to meet with them to review possible 
      steps that may be taken to come into compliance.  Explain possibilities of future high‐
      strength surcharges and that future testing will be done to determine if they have come into 
  6. Perform second (2nd ) round of sampling and testing at facility at the nearest manhole, 
    inspection port or discharge point.  Send eight (8) hour grab/composite sample to lab to check 
    BOD, TSS, PH and FOG. 
  7. Notify facility of second (2nd ) round of testing results:
    1. If all is within limits notify them of compliance.
    2. If there are exceedances notify them of that.  Provide them with a breakdown of non-compliance issues.  Notify them that the next billing cycle will include a surcharge amount.  Notify them that future sampling and 
      testing will be performed.  (Approximately one (1) year from now).
    3. Future sampling and testing will continue on a yearly basis and procedures will follow the surcharge of 100% of the possible surcharge amount until compliance is continuously reached.